The video that changed my life.

I watched a video that changed my perspective of life. You may call me childish for watching children stuff. But sometimes the most important lessons are in the little stuff. Those things you see as minute and insignificant are the things that really matter.

This video made me smile, laugh but also got me thinking. The toddlers were so adorable, I almost wished I was a toddler again. Children are the cutest, they live their life trusting and loving, they don’t worry about tomorrow, they just live in today and enjoy every bit of it. The pureness of little children will be a story for another day.

Back to the story of today, in the video, three cute toddlers were placed on a racing mat, aided by their guardian/ parents. Their task was to crawl to the finish point where another adult was eagerly waiting for them. I could see the adults at the end of the mat, kneeling as though they wanted to crawl, holding toys and biscuits to entice the babies to take action, they were even cheering for the toddlers.

It was funny because they were reluctant, they didn’t want to leave the parent that was closest to them. Out of the three children, only two finally took a crawling posture; one began to crawl while the other one was still trying to figure things.

I was so excited thinking that the child who had began crawling before anyone else would eventually emerge the winner but I was taken aback when I noticed that this toddler who seemed to have figured it all out on time took to a halt just few steps into the competition while the other one, who earlier looked like he didn’t know what he was doing; the one who was so reluctant and looked like he had zero interest in participating in the race, began to crawl like his life depended on it. The surprising part for me, was the fact that he wasn’t crawling on a straight line, he would sometimes randomly move to the left then to the right; he moved to any side of the mat he felt like. He would leave his own path, move to the track of others, enjoying himself as he crawled unbothered about whatever was happening outside and kept crawling till he got to the finish line.

📝📝📝📝📝*Lessons to Note*📝📝📝📝📝

📌📌From the onset, I bet his guardian may have had a second thought or maybe even given up on him racing, but someone at the front kept cheering, kept believing, kept hoping till he made it. Sometimes in life people may give up on you, they may write you off because they don’t understand your vision. Don’t blame them only you can envision your vision, they can’t see your dreams, so keep going, keep pushing, keep believing, don’t give up. There are still many people out there rooting for you and Abba believes that you are possible.

📌📌The baby followed his own path, he wasn’t limited by the rules or patterns, he was determined to get the cookie and he did. Sometimes life will try to eat you up but don’t be scared to branch off, don’t be scared to shine, don’t be scared to do things outside the box. You are only limitless, if you believe. Everybody on earth has a purpose, a path, a calling, so don’t be ashamed to do you! The world will adjust when you become a marvel. People are scared of what they don’t know and are fascinated by new discoveries but would overlook those who do nothing. So this is a call to do something, that idea that was dropped in your heart, go for it, keep doing it, till you it becomes a reality.

📌📌The baby waited trying to figure things out, don’t be angry in your season of waiting. Your peers may have gone before you and it may seem like you aren’t doing anything useful, keep at what you are doing. It’s your waiting season, your showcasing season will soon come. Use this time to build character, invest in yourself both spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. The spotlight doesn’t only reveal beautiful talent, it also amplifies weakness, ask those who are famous, they will tell you, game has its downsides. Polish your armor so you would be prepared to stand before nations.

📌📌In figuring things out don’t be scared, sometimes you don’t need to figure everything out. Launch out with that idea you call little and see how it grows before your eyes. People start small to become big and not the other way around. If you doubt me ask Peter, until he meant Christ, he didn’t catch as much fish before but imagine if he had quit before the beautiful encounter.

📌📌The partner / investor you’ve been hoping for is out there, somewhere banking on the fact that you won’t quit before you get to him. Jesus was Peter’s biggest partner but Peter only met him because he was in his place of assignment (in the field pursuing his dream). I know he became a fisher of men but he had to learn by first being a fisherman.

✨✨📌📌Life is not always black and white, it could take a shade of gray sometimes, so clean your tears, dust yourself up and keep fighting. Enjoy life to it’s fullest, be happy because God got you. Every day counts.

Happy Children’s day 🤗🤗🤗


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