The BREAK UP that almost BROKE ME.

I woke up some days ago only to be served breakfast on a platter. The breakfast was so hot that it shook me to my bones, I wasn’t expecting it, there was no clue or pointer to prepare me for that day. I’ve heard people narrate their breakup stories and I sympathize with them but I never believed that I would ever experience that feeling. I’m not saying I perfect but we were perfect together. I was very sure that I hadn’t done anything wrong, we were okay, infact we were more than okay. Our synergy was always on point so I hope you can relate when I say I couldn’t understand the reason for this painful break. I did everything right, I didn’t skip my meals or my routines, I didn’t infuse a new routine,I followed the usual regimen dutifully. I did all that was required of me to keep this relationship, day and night my dedication never wavered. Through out that day I couldn’t think straight, I was sad, confused and puzzled. I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t laugh, I was emotionless like a body without a soul. My head felt like it was going to explode from a migraine centered on my forehead.The annoying part of this ordeal was that, he didn’t even have the decency to give me a call, a note or even a letter explaining the reason behind his decision, all he did was to pop out like a coward running from his responsibilities.

Yes you heard right he popped out on my face. The acne just popped out on my face when I didn’t offend it, it couldn’t even wait a bit for me to enjoy my fine girl moment. That day I looked in the mirror and to my bewilderment I was breaking out, why couldn’t the break out give a break, for this fine girl to breath even if it was just for a few days. I kept thinking about this till something popped in my heart ‘stop worrying about the little things you can’t change ‘. I kept still and began to ponder on these words and then it hit me.

Did you know that most times we worry about things we have no control over. We wake up worried and we go to bed worried but the question is, what can worrying do about a situation, does it change it or make it disappear or is it still there. We worry daily about little things like what will people say, why am I here, why are my peers making it and I’m not, am I not beautiful enough, so why am I still single. We ask ourselves questions and in turn ask God questions. Questions like God am I a stick or a plastic, have you forsaken me and so on. And when it’s time to move forward we see ourselves as unworthy because of our past.

Dear, what have you gained by worrying? My mum will always ask if worrying ever solved any problem. Worrying doesn’t solve any problem but brainstorming and creative thinking does. Dear friend stop worrying about things you can’t change, your past is past. Stop wasting your present worrying about something that’s history, instead consciously write a new story, write your story today.

Someone once said that history stands for ‘His Story’. What story have you written today or are you still thinking about what you did before, I know that there are scars that may never totally erase, they still hurt sometimes but we shouldn’t hold unto them. People may have hurt you in the past, you may have eaten serious breakfast(heartbreak/breakup) from a lover or even a friend but they are humans too and they make mistakes. You may have made a terrible mistake that may go with you to the grave, a secret that haunts but dear you need to move on.

You need to live, leave that hurt and live! Stop dwelling in your past, live for today, live for tomorrow. Where there’s life there’s hope, so make amends now, do right and fulfill destiny. As you go about your daily routine, don’t forget to hand over your worries to God. I know that the past hurts but Abba cares about you, he doesn’t look at you based on your past, he looks at you with love because you are his child (his delight) and he is always ready to help you. Give that trauma over to God, he will help you heal. Abba got you dear. Make use of your time wisely, live, love and keep living.

You are Abba’s delight.

Please share this to someone who needs it🤗🤗🤗



#JournalOfaJesusGirl #voiceofagoodwoman




©️ Eze Bernice

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